Sunday, September 25, 2016

Advice From a Former F**k Up

Recently, I've been doing some introspection into my past, my present, and where I'd like to be in the future. This caused me to look closely at why I've done the things I've done. Mainly, what was the reasoning behind some of the more pivotal decisions in my life. Something that kept recurring is the fact that I'm very self-reliant. And it's this trait, I think, that has gotten me where I am today. And what a long, interesting road it's been (so far).

Thursday, September 1, 2016

August 2016 Update

It's that time of the month again (no, not that time! Get your mind out of the gutter), which means it's time to check my net worth. I'm a little bummed that the S&P was down for the third straight day before this post because it means my number has dropped since I last checked it. It kinda reminds me of a song: You take the good. You take the bad. You take 'em both and there you have...The Stock Market. (Did you sing the theme to The Facts of Life? Good for you, if you did.) Now let's get on with it.