I haven't spent as much time obsessing over my spreadsheets and "numbers" since I lost my job back in January. Mainly because I've had no money coming in, so it's not as exciting to watch the savings I accumulated slowly dwindle as I use it to live off of. Also, I've been enjoying the downtime by traveling (just got back from London last week) and visiting with friends and family before we move to another state. And the impending move! I've recently been focusing on helping my wife pack up all of our worldly belongings, which sucks but has to be done.
With that said, you can probably understand why I haven't paid meticulous attention to my stash. Although I probably should have and, under normal unemployment circumstances, I probably would have. So, this also means I haven't compiled any other posts on this blog about ways to maximize my savings, etc. I promise, those type of posts will be forthcoming once we get settled in our new location. For now, there's just too much to focus on outside of that. However, I have remained vigilant about posting my monthly net worth, and will continue to do so.
Without further ado, let's take a look at where my net worth stands 6 months into unemployment...