If you're reading this, then you probably want to know more about me than what you can discover by clicking the profile link over to the right. Well, I'll try not to disappoint you. After all, when I'm reading some blogger's advice about finances, I like to know if 1) they're legit, and 2) | |
they're anything at all like me. I'm a little hesitant to try to follow the advice of some guy fresh out of college who claims to make more than 100k when they're claiming, "You can be like me!" Sorry, pal. I seriously doubt it. |
I'm 44 years old. I'm a regular guy. I didn't go to college and earn a degree. I got into programming by the good grace of a hiring manager because he liked that I was self-taught. I've been a computer programmer for 20 years. Before that, I worked in warehouses and some other crap jobs. Before that, I was a firefighter/EMT, and before that, I was in the military where I repaired helicopter engines. Before that is probably too boring, so I won't bother listing it.
Prior to 2014, I wasn't good with money or even money-savvy. In the time predating my "awakening", I was just another wage-slave/consumer. I would spend my pay checks without a care for my future. It was the future, after all. Who can predict the future? I guess I assumed I'd arrive at old age expecting some government program to fall back on. Isn't that why we pay social security? Yeah, I was an idiot. (At least I can admit my faults!)
In my previous marriage, I let my wife handle our finances. This, I would later learn, was a HUGE mistake. That marriage is affectionately referred to in my life as The Dark Ages. And, that ex-wife is known as Satan. (There may or may not be blog posts in the future to elaborate on this stuff. I haven't decided yet.) I am currently married to the greatest woman I could ever have hoped to marry. I still think she's got a brain tumor or something that prevents her from seeing my flaws.
My intent with this blog is to chronicle my journey to financial independence. I want to document the trials and tribulations along the way. To celebrate my achievements. Warn everyone away from the pitfalls I find. I hope that others reading this will be able to relate to my experiences and see that, if they just dedicate themselves to the pursuit, that they, too, can travel the path to reach the goal of financial freedom.
During my time on this planet, I've become cynical and skeptical. I try to follow the Golden Rule and treat others as I hope they would treat me. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, so we encounter plenty of assholes who would rather throw us under the bus to improve their own situation. I get that. I try to remain positive, though. I had enough drama in my previous marriage to last me a lifetime.
In this blog, I will try to give it to you straight, without sugar-coating anything. Oh, and I should've warned you in that last paragraph that I will occasionally throw in a bit of profanity. If you'd rather not read a blog that features "curse" words, then you might want to look elsewhere for advice and/or entertainment. I'll try to err on the side of avoiding such words, but sometimes, you just have to say "fuck" or "shit" because the subject you're writing about demands it. At least, it does in my world.
I'll try to keep this blog upbeat, drama-free. However, I've been working for the man for far too long and I'm ready to make my exit. As soon as I reach financial independence, I'll probably become more carefree in my job and my attitude. Let me warn you now, there might even be posts where I feel a need to vent about my work life.
Hopefully, I haven't scared you off. I know some people probably read the above and cringed, jaw agape at those "dirty" words and the cavalier attitude in which I delivered them. I imagine they've already bounced from the site, never to return. Bye!
If you're still reading...good. You're probably similar to me in some ways. Not easily dissuaded by a few profane words and determined to follow the path to take back your freedom. Cool. Let's walk it together. Shall we?
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