Monday, May 28, 2018

A Tale of Two Cities: Cut Costs or Increase Income

Maybe that title should be: A Tale of Two Camps? Oh well, I couldn't resist the Dickensian lure of the other choice. This is an age-old debate that's been pondered and analyzed for as long as the concept of financial independence has been around. There are some good arguments for both sides and, if you're on this path or looking to traverse it, you're bound to consider it yourself. In this post, I want to express my opinion on the topic and explain why. So, for the record, I'm a believer in...

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

April 2018 Update

Spring has finally arrived. Finally! And instead of doing something outside, I'm sitting here writing this update. At least I can still enjoy the great weather with the windows open. Let's not beat around the bush and get to it. At the end of April, my net worth was...