Last month's net worth was $139,260. A difference of $6,292. After performing a cursory search through my transfer confirmations to my brokerage account (where I'm currently focusing my savings), I put away $1,500. However, when I consulted my spreadsheet that also includes not only my brokerage but also my employer-sponsored retirement plan, I've put away $2,167.56. The rest of that is market gains.
As you'll notice from the accompanying screen shot, I've got a credit card balance showing. That's because my wife and I were away this weekend where I paid for food and drinks using my credit card in addition to some other little odd and end things. The weekend prior, we were in NYC, but I'd already paid that balance off. Normally, I pay off my credit cards before I post an update. However, there are a few occasions where I don't have enough time before a post to clear those balances out. I get paid this week and have budgeted those balances into my spending, so they'll be back to zero by Monday.
The moral of this month's report is: despite not being overly aggressive with savings, I still managed to come out pretty good. Not to mention, the two weekend getaways allowed me to recharge my batteries even though I spent more than I normally do. But I think, when it comes to getting away and enjoying one's self, it's okay to loosen the purse strings a bit. After all, along this journey you've got to spend a little money, otherwise you'll grow stir-crazy from living like a secluded hermit.
Another interesting bit of news is that I'll have another three-paycheck month. I get paid bi-weekly, which means there are normally two months out of the year where I receive three paychecks instead of two. I'd already had my two months of three paychecks. But, the company who bought us changed the pay schedule so we were getting paid the same time they were, which means I will be seeing an extra month where I receive three paychecks. It happens to be November, so I'll probably buckle down toward the end of October in order to save aggressively afterward.
Fingers crossed nothing major rears its head and derails my plans. Time will tell if it all works out.
Net worth for September 2018 |
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