I guess I better post November's update before we reach the end of the year and it's time to post updates for December and the year over all. I guess it's true what they say about this journey; that the middle is boring. Early on my journey, I obsessed over the numbers, compared my progress to others, and strategized about how I could maximize my net worth as fast as possible. Now that I've been doing this a couple of years, I've lost the motivation and excitement those things used to bring me. I still save aggressively, but not with the same zeal I had before. I don't care to proselytize about this lifestyle. This is part of the reason my posts are growing late, but I'm still honoring the commitment I made to make a monthly progress post along this journey. Without further ado...At the end of November, my net worth was...
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Sunday, November 10, 2019
October 2019 Update
Late again. I guess this is becoming a regular thing with me. Oh well, I'm through apologizing (so long as I continue to actually provide monthly updates, that is). I've been at this a while and, frankly, writing the updates is growing tedious. Watching my money grow is still exciting though. Enough of this, let's get down to it. At the end of October, my net worth was...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
A Little Bit of History
It's been a while since I wrote a post other than the net worth updates I report. Honestly, this blogging thing kinda sucks and I procrastinate whenever I'm supposed to do one of my monthly updates. But I visited Reddit today and saw yet another post by someone sharing their story of how they reached a certain financial goal and, while reading it and the comments, I felt compelled to create this post. Something for anyone who visits and wants to know if I also lucked into a big inheritance or am working a job making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. So, I felt like giving my history in case anyone is interested. If you're interested, I hope you find inspiration in what I have to say.
September 2019 Update
Blah, blah, obligatory chatty intro blah. I just wrote the August update because I'm behind. I also have to write one for September since I was lazy and am just now getting around to it. Let's just do this, shall we? My net worth at the end of September was...
August 2019 Update
This update is extremely late, but truth is, I'm getting really tired of writing update these posts. I like the idea of keeping track of my monthly progress, but writing a post every first of the month becomes tedious after a while. Also, I've been at this a while and it's beginning to lose its excitement. I don't mean I'm growing tired of pursuing financial independence. I just mean I'm growing tired of trying to remember all the monetary details of the prior month when I write one of these posts. But I said in the beginning I'd do this for posterity's sake, so I guess I need to just suck it up and keep at it. Let's get down to it then; at the end of August, my net worth was...
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
July 2019 Update
I'm really late with this post. Life was happening and I was just going with the flow. No care in the world and then, last night while lying in bed, it dawned on me...I have something I'm supposed to do. Hmm. Well, better late than never. At the end of July (plus a couple of days), my net worth was...
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
June 2019 Update
Unlike the last couple of updates, I'm pretty much on time with this one. Good thing I realized yesterday was the first of July too, or I would've missed getting my screenshot on time. With the holiday this week, creating this update post was probably the furthest thing from my mind. Also, just a note: Regardless of whether my update is late or not, the screenshots are as close as I can get them to the first of every month. I want to report with as much accuracy as I possibly can. Now that all that's out of the way, let's get down to business. At the end of June, my net worth was...
Sunday, June 16, 2019
May 2019 Update
This post is very late, but with good reason. I was on vacation to Edinburgh, Scotland and the last thing I wanted to do was create a blog post. But now I'm back home. So here we are. Time for me to type up monthly net worth update I procrastinated on. At the end of May, my net worth was...
Saturday, May 4, 2019
April 2019 Update
I'm a few days late with this, but...here we are. I'm finally bringing myself to post my end of month net worth update. At this point, these posts are becoming tedious, but I have to bring myself to do them for posterity's sake. At the end of April, my net worth is...
Sunday, March 31, 2019
March 2019 Update
I made it to the end of the month with a job. Let me clarify that: I was having a really crappy week at work for a number of reasons and I was nearly at my wit's end. The stress was getting to me and I was ready to throw in the towel and walk away. Instead, I listened to cooler heads and, so far, I've prevailed. Hopefully, next week will start out better tomorrow. We'll see. Anyway, that's something big that needs to be mentioned here as I'm no where near financially independent (although I could technically go several years without a paycheck and be fine) and socking away money is in my best interest. Now that that's off my chest, let's get down to the net worth report. At the end of March, my net worth is...
Saturday, March 2, 2019
February 2019 Update
I've rediscovered an old online RPG game I used to play, so I've been engrossed in leveling up my character instead of obsessing over my financial numbers lately. This is not to say I've neglected my finances and let my spending creep up. Quite the contrary. I've probably spent less because all I've been doing is going to work and coming home where I sit and play. I still cook my meals at home, etc. However, it does mean that I'm not really enthused to create these updates. I'd rather be doing something else. But, I made a commitment to myself to report every month, so let's get to it. At the end of February, my net worth is...
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Probably the Hardest Part of All This
Now that I've been on this path for a couple of years, I decided to look back at some of my posts, to perform a bit of retrospection to see what other morsels of wisdom I can possibly impart. And something came to me...
Sunday, February 3, 2019
January 2019 Update
Well, it's the third of February and I'm finally getting around to writing the first financial update of the new year. Looks like I'm really living up to my blog's name, after all, I am lazy. It gets really tedious writing these updates every month. However, watching the number grow is loads of fun. All right, enough of my bull shit, let's get to it. At the end of January, my net worth is...
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