Sunday, November 10, 2019

October 2019 Update

Late again. I guess this is becoming a regular thing with me. Oh well, I'm through apologizing (so long as I continue to actually provide monthly updates, that is). I've been at this a while and, frankly, writing the updates is growing tedious. Watching my money grow is still exciting though. Enough of this, let's get down to it. At the end of October, my net worth was...


At the end of September, my net worth was $196,338; a difference of $9,734. Very nice!

I managed to put away $2,750 into my HYSA, excluding my work retirement account, which means the nearly 7k of that growth came from the market. It's only November, but I've managed to surpass my year-end net worth goal, which was 200k. Hopefully, I can put away a couple thousand more before the year officially ends. Whatever it is will just be icing on the cake.

I'm nearly back up to 15k in my second HYSA account. I'd like to have 30k cash in case of a catastrophic emergency (job loss, namely!). I'm considering increasing that amount to 20k in each HYSA for next year. That would give me almost 2 years' expenses should I lose my job (not that I'm anticipating such a thing, but isn't that when shit usually hits the fan; when you least expect/prepare for it?)

There's not really much else to report as far as expenses. I didn't have any major expenses. Just the regular bills: rent, car insurance, life insurance, groceries. I did spend a bit at a marijuana dispensary in Massachusetts. What can I say? I'm trying to save enough weed to last so I don't need to make another trip through the Berkshires until spring.

In other news:

I'm looking forward to our trip to Milan in November. And then the first week in December, my wife and I are going to Pax Unplugged in Philly.

I've started eating healthier, too. I got on a kick where I was eating homemade double cheeseburgers and fries every night. Weed was giving me the munchies and burgers and fries are my Achilles heel. My wife finally talked me into cooking healthier dishes. So, in an effort to make my food budget stretch as well as eat things that taste good, I bought a big bag of rice, a lot of beans, and some fresh vegetables. I bought some chicken and beef and sat down to think of several rice, bean, and meat dishes we can both eat. All home-cooked, too. None of that eating out shit.

Tonight, I'll be making a cheesy rice and broccoli dish. I'm excited (and hungry) just thinking about it. My next update will be post Milan trip. I hope to have exciting things to report then. Stay tuned.

October 2019 net worth (new Personal Capital style)

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